Blackjack - Tricks

Knowing when to make a hit, stand, split, double down, surrender or be insured is a basic strategy in Blackjack. For each combination of cards, basic strategy proposes to take a step that will lead to the best outcome štatisickému. On these basic Blackjack strategies are few of the basic. Are rather complex. Most fundamental critical to your strategy is what is top banker card, so kukni it first. If you have to hand 11 and the less you can easily make a hit (Dasty another card).

Also remember that if you have an Ace, you can use it as 1 or 11 - the value of cards and can change during the game. Never makes a hit in the value of 17 points or more. The only exception is a "soft 17", which is an ace card and was counted as 11 to create the total. The basic strategy for hitting and standing is: Hit anything below 12 and stand on anything above the 16th If you have 12 to 16 so: Hit if the banker's card is between 7 and Ace (11). Stand where the banker's card is less than 7


Hitting and Standing with Soft

Soft cards cards are composed of ESA and other carat (card). (Note that the ace can be counted as 1 or 11). If you have an ace in hand, so: Hit if the soft total is 17 or less, doubled if the soft total is 17 or less and the dealer has 4, 5 Stand if you have a soft total of 19 or 20 


Doubling Down

The basic strategy for the decision to double down should be: Never do not duplicate if it is your hand total less than 8 Always doubled to 11 if you're 10, doubled if the dealer is second to ninth .


basic rules for splitting are: Always splitni eight aces and never nesplitni 4, 5 and 10